Book author & spiritual leader

Petaluma, California


Martin Muller was a spiritual leader from Switzerland who lived in the US since the 70s until he passed away.

Website is a project of Martin Muller's former student - Francois Vecchio who is trying to keep his legacy alive and promote the book which is a collection of his teachings.

The problem

Francois had an old Wordpress site that was very messy and poorly executed by a previous developer who didn't care about the outcome.

The hero section of the old websites home page had a text that spanned across the page and was overflowing above the screen and with no ability to read any of it.

No clear call to action to promote & sell the book which is Francois primary goal.

Old (on the left) vs new (on the right) website homepage

The work

New website emphasizes Martin's book with one easy click of a button you can make a purchase via the distributor.

One of many Martin's original sketches were these hand drawn diagrams. I made the very detailed images big for better visibility.

You can also click the link to get the image in full resolution and get the full experience.

Client testimonial

" Working with Adam was great experience, my old site was really badly executed and I could never get a hold of the web guy who built it.
Adam guide me through the process and he redesigned and rebuilt the website in 2 weeks"

--- Francois Vecchio

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