Congrats on winning - single page website raffle prize.

Happy to welcome you at 1Earth Studio.


Here is what you can expect.

1 - Whats included

- SINGLE page website - design & development
- Visual (UI) design
- User Experience (UX) design
- Color palete
- Typography

2 - What is not included

- Website hosting - starts at $168 year
- Domain purchase - starts at $10 year
- Website copy - you can write it yourself ask a friend, family or hire a professional
- Logo - if you need a logo or any additional brand assets, I can provide that at an additional cost.

3 - Design process

- We set up a coffee or a zoom call meeting.
- During the meeting we discuss what would like your website to accomplish - about 1/2 to 1 hour meeting
- I come up with a strategy on User Experience (UX) design, wireframe.
- You go to - type in "web design" and start looking for 3 designs you like - this will help me understand your style
- I take your pinterest designs you like and craft a visual design for your website.
- Present the initial design to you, we hop on a call and you give me your feedback for revision so I can implement the changes
- When the visual designed gets approved after your initial feedback I will move to development and start building your website
- You create a Webflow account - sign up via this link - WEBFLOW SIGN UP
- Purchase a domain at -
- When a website is build, I transfer it to your Webflow account and connect your domain
- Set up Google Analytics & Search Console, so I can keep monitoring the websites traffic
- We hit publish and voila, you have a website.

4 - Terms & conditions of this raffle prize

- You can transfer this raffle prize win to anyone - family, friend, someone who has a business but doesn't have a website.
- Use this for an existing site redesign. Anything outside of the Single page scope will be subject to an extra $180/per page and we will discuss it before proceeding with the design & development.
- 1 revision for a design before we move to development. Once design is approved there are no design changes to be made during development.
- No IDX real estate websites - you can use this raffle prize to lower the price of IDX real estate website.
- Website will be developed and hosted in Webflow exclusively. No Squarespace, Wordpress or any other website builder.
- Any design or development work outside of the scope of this project is $80/hr.
- Offer is valid for 3 months from the day raffle was won.

- I reserve the right to refuse any changes client might ask for, if I find them to go against web designs best practices.

Thank you for your time reading through this page

You can send me an email to -
Subject line - Raffle prize
And we can start working on your website.